If you have been laid off, received notice of layoff or find yourself unemployed you may qualify for financial assistance to be re-trained. You do not have to be currently drawing Unemployment Benefits in order to qualify for services provided under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA).
The Division of Employment and Training administers a statewide system of workforce programs that prepare North Carolina's citizens facing economic disadvantage, job loss, and other serious barriers to employment for participation in the labor force. These programs provide high support training and other services that result in increased employment and earnings, increased educational and occupational skills, and decreased welfare dependency. The statewide system is designed to improve the quality of the workforce, as well as, the state's competitiveness in a global economy.
Your first step is to visit the JobLink Center at http://www.gastonjoblink.com and is located at the NC Employment Security Commission office at 1391 Bessemer City Road in Gastonia, NC.