Job Seekers
Job Seekers
Job/Career Centers
Job/Career Centers
Business Services


The Gaston Workforce Development Board  provides a wide range of services to help you sustain and grow your business.  From no-cost recruitment of trained job candidates to training grants to support the development of your current workforce, we have the workforce solutions for your business.  

On-the-Job Training Partnership Opportunities

The Gaston Workforce Development Board partners with local businesses by financially supporting a substantial portion of the on-the-job training costs when you hire Program candidates.  This concept provides a recruiting source and a cost savings benefit to your business and offers job opportunities to candidates in your community.

Incumbent Worker Training Grants

The Incumbent Worker Development Program is jointly administered by the North Carolina Department of Commerce and the Gaston Workforce Development Board.  Resources are available for businesses to train currently employed workers in an effort to keep businesses and workers competitive. Incumbent Worker Training  addresses training needed to meet changing skill requirements due to new technology, new product lines and business strategies.  Opportunities to apply for Incumbent Worker Training Grants are posted each July for the following fiscal year.
For more information and materials on this competitive grant process, please contact the Carolyn Beaver, Business Services Representative for the Gaston Workforce Development Board at 704-862-7637 or .

Job Candidates

Join the many business partners who have taken advantage of the extensive skills offered by the graduates of the Gaston Workforce Development Training Program. These candidates bring their academic, and technical achievements and abilities to your business. The Gaston Workforce Program provides a large pool of qualified candidates in diverse sectors at no cost to your business. In addition, you will have the satisfaction of helping somone in your community achieve their goals.
If you are currently recruiting or plan to hire in the near future, please complete the Job Availability Form
Please contact Carolyn Beaver, Business Services Representative, with any questions you may have on recruitment or other Business Services at (704) 862-7637 or by email at .
Job Availability Form

Rapid Response Services

Authorized under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, the Governor's Rapid Response is an early intervention program that provides services for dislocated workers and employers affected by layoffs or closures within the state, regardless of the reasons.  The response is a collaborative effort involving representatives of many organizations including local workforce development boards, the Division of Workforce Solutions the NCWorks Career Centers, N.C. Community Colleges, Economic Development and Social Services.

Led by the N.C. Department of Commerce’s Division of Workforce Development and local workforce development professionals, a rapid response team meets with companies on short notice and in confidentiality to assess potential layoffs and closings and to work together to plan the most appropriate response.
For further information about the Rapid Response Program, please contact  the Division of Workforce Development at 800-562-6333 or your local Business Services Representative, Carolyn Beaver at 704-862-7637.

Other Important Information