Dislocated Worker Program |
The Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act of 2014 provides dislocated workers transition services to quickly move workers back into the workforce.
To be eligible for dislocated worker programs, an individual must be unemployed, laid off, or have received notice of termination or layoff from employment. Other individuals may be eligible under other categories.
To apply or for further information, please contact a WIOA Representative at one of the local NCWorks Career Centers.

Gaston YouthWorks |
YouthWorks is Gaston County's Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program for youth. YouthWorks is a year-round employment and training program for in school, out-of-school, and at-risk youth ages 16 - 24. The program provides both academic and career related experiences designed to expose youth to the world of work, and to help them acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to obtain a job and advance in employment.
In addition to the job-training portion of the program, participants will have basic education and mediation while developing their employability skills with opportunities to develop citizenship and interpersonal skills.

Adult Program |
The Adult Program provides intensive job search services and training services to eligible adults 18 years of age or older, a United States citizen or eligible non-citizen, and in compliance with the registration provisions of the Military Selective Service Act. Eligible persons would be unemployed or underemployed and would include low income individuals, public assistance recipients, and Veterans.
To apply or for further information, please contact a WIOA Representative at one of the local NCWorks Career Centers.